Tuesday 2 October 2012

Daily Heavy: Aiden - Die Romantic

Who remembers when emo was in vogue and bands like My Chemical Romance, Aiden and Fall Out Boy were the flavour of the month?

Amazing to think that this was in full flow about 7 years ago - key releases like Aiden's Nightmare Anatomy came out in 2005 along with the phenomenal From Under The Cork Tree by Fall Out Boy.

Today is my favourite Aiden song from Nightmare Anatomy.

Die Romantic is the song that introduced me to Aiden and has a killer intro riff and breakdown.

The video is so typically emo it's become somewhat of a checklist for what an emo band video should look like:

Dyed black hair, obscene fringes, black nail varnish, a tramp, playing contrasting white and black guitars outside a church, the signature emo guitar flip and fringe headbang, angst-ridden teenagers, copious amounts of facepaint and eye shadow, breakdown camera (this is when the camera shakes like there's an earthquake going off during the heavy bit), suicide, oh and Wil Francis wearing bondage gear.

This really is a product of its time - enjoy!

Die Romantic

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