Sunday 21 April 2013

Daily Heavy: Lamb Of God - Hourglass

Lamb Of God are one of the few modern metal bands that really sound unique.

The combination of midrange heavy guitars that aren't overly saturated, having a very diverse and distinctive drummer and a lead singer who does the "halfway between screaming and singing" so well, gives Lamb Of God the edge over many of their contemporaries.

The only band that sounds anything like them are the legendary Pantera.

Hourglass comes from their seminal album, Ashes Of The Wake. It showcases some tight but groovy riffing from the superb guitarists Mark Morton and Willie Adler as well as the feral drumming of Chris Adler.

Vocalist Randy Blythe growls in this song, showing off with some wild screams.

For me, the bridge section of this song is outstanding; the harmonized guitar riff requires such skill play and to sync up when recording, and exemplifies how great of a duo Morton and Adler are.

Ashes Of The Wake has to be one of the best metal albums since Pantera's Cowboys From Hell.

From the production, to the guitar tone, to the insane drumming, it is relentless and heavy.

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