Monday 3 December 2012

Daily Heavy: Despised Icon - MVP

Coming from their most recent album, Day Of Mourning, MVP is a blisteringly fast downtuned maelstrom of a song.

Everything about Despised Icon songs are tight and malevolent sounding. The drums sync perfectly with the palm muted guitars. Pay particular attention to the drums in this song - death metal drummers are notably fast and very precise - even with tempos above 200bpm - which for the most part, this song maintains.

The breakdown in this song is particularly long, and I like that, because the tempo downshift actually makes the whole piece sound a lot heavier - listen to the grinding bass in the background as well as the growled, guttural vocals.

All in all Day Of Mourning is one of my favorite modern death metal albums, and not only is this song worth a listen - so is the whole album.


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